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Chemistry Homepage
Biological Labeling and Fluorescence Imaging using
Quantum Dots
Synthesis, Spectroscopy, Blinking and Interfacial
Chemistry of Quantum Dots (Funded by NSF)
Single Molecule FRET to study Protein Structure, Dynamics
and Function (Funded by DOE)

Figure from Mandal et al (2013) Chem.
Commun., 49,

Figure From Gao et al
(2017) ACS
Nano. ASAP Article
Figure from
Omogo et al.
(2016) ACS Nano, 10, 4072-4082.

Figure from Bajwa et al. (2016) ChemPhysChem, 17, 731-740.

Cover picture from Henderson et al (2016) Biophys. J. 111, 1151-1162
Figure from Gao et al (2015) J. Biol. Chem., 290,
Publications of
Prof. Colin D Heyes
Click on links to
go to the electronic resource (Subscription to Journal will be required).
Please e-mail me
if you need reprints.
Ramesh Vasan, Feng Gao, M. Omar Mansareh
and Colin D. Heyes. Investigation of charge transport between nickel oxide
nanoparticles and CdSe/ZnS alloyed nanocrystals.
(2017) MRS Advances, 2, 2935-2941.
Feng Gao, Pooja Bajwa, Anh
Nguyen, and Colin D. Heyes. Shell-Dependent Photoluminescence Studies Provide
Mechanistic Insights into the Off-Grey-On Transitions of Blinking Quantum
Dots. (2017) ACS Nano. 11,
Rory C. Henderson, Feng Gao, Srinivas Jayanthi, Alicia Kight, Priyanka Sharma, Robyn L. Goforth, Colin D. Heyes,
Ralph L. Henry, T.K.S. Kumar. Domain Organization in the 54-kDa Subunit of
the Chloroplast Signal Recognition Particle. (2016) Biophys.
J. (cover article). 111, 1151-1162
Benard Omogo, Feng Gao, Pooja Bajwa, Mizuho Kaneko and Colin D. Heyes. Reducing
Blinking in Small Core-Multishell Quantum Dots by
Carefully Balancing Confinement Potential and Induced Lattice Strain: The “Goldilocks”
Effect. (2016) ACS Nano 10, 4072-4082
Pooja Bajwa, Feng Gao, Anh
Nguyen, Benard Omogo and
Colin D. Heyes. Influence of the Inner Shell Architecture on Quantum Yield
and Blinking Dynamics in Core/Multi-Shell Quantum Dots. (2016) ChemPhysChem. 17, 731-740
Kyla M. Morris, Rory Henderson, Thallapuranam
Krishnaswamy Suresh Kumar, Colin D. Heyes, and Paul D. Adams. Intrinsic GTP
Hydrolysis is Observed For a Switch 1 Variant of
Cdc42 in the Presence of a Specific GTPase Inhibitor. (2016) Small GTPases 7, 1-11
Samir V Jenkins, Avinash Srivatsan, Kimberly Y Reynolds, Feng Gao, Yongbin Zhang, Colin D Heyes, Ravindra K Pandey, Jingyi Chen. Understanding the interactions between
porphyrin-containing photosensitizers and polymer-coated nanoparticles in
model biological environments. (2015) J.
Coll. Int. Sci. 461, 225-231
Feng Gao, Alicia D. Kight,
Rory Henderson, Srinivas Jayanthi, Parth Patel,
Marissa Murchison, Priyanka Sharma, Robyn L. Goforth, T.K.S. Kumar, Ralph L.
Henry, and Colin D. Heyes. Regulation of Structural Dynamics within a Signal Recognition
Particle Promotes Binding of Protein Targeting Substrates (2015) J. Biol. Chem. 290, 15462-15474
Marion G. Götz, Hiroko
Takeuchi, Matthew J. Goldfogel, Julia M. Warren,
Brandon D. Fennell, and Colin D. Heyes. Visible-Light Photocatalyzed
Cross-Linking of Diacetylene Ligands by Quantum Dots to Improve Their Aqueous
Colloidal Stability. (2014) J. Phys
Chem B. 118, 14103-14109
[10] Hiroko Takeuchi, Benard Omogo, and Colin D Heyes. Are Bidentate Ligands Really
Better than Monodentate Ligands For Nanoparticles?
(2013) Nano Lett. 13, 4746-4752.
[11] Feng Gao , Adam Kreidermacher , Ingrid Fritsch , and Colin D Heyes. 3D
Imaging of Flow Patterns in an Internally-Pumped Microfluidic Device: Redox
Magnetohydrodynamics and Electrochemically-Generated Density Gradients.
(2013) Anal. Chem. 85, 4414-4422.
[12] Benard
Omogo, Jose F. Aldana and Colin D. Heyes, Radiative
and Non-Radiative Lifetime Engineering of Quantum Dots in Multiple Solvents
by Surface Atom Stoichiometry and Ligands. (2013) J. Phys. Chem. C. 117,
[13] Gopa Mandal, Molly Darragh, Y. Andrew Wang, and Colin D.
Heyes. Cadmium-Free Quantum Dots as Time-Gated Bioimaging Probes in Highly-Autofluorescent Human Breast Cancer Cells. (2013) Chem. Commun.
49, 624-626.
[14] Nela Durisic, Antoine G. Godin,
Claudia M. Wever, Colin D. Heyes, Melike Lakadamyali, and Joseph
A. Dent. Stoichiometry of the Human Glycine Receptor Revealed by Direct
Subunit Counting. (2012) J. Neurosci. 32,
[15] Nela Durisic, Antoine G. Godin, Derrel
Walters, Peter Grütter, Paul W. Wiseman and Colin D.
Heyes. Probing the “Dark" Fraction of Core–Shell Quantum Dots by
Ensemble and Single Particle pH-Dependent Spectroscopy. (2011) ACS Nano, 5, 9062-9073
[16] Nela Durisic, Paul W. Wiseman,
Peter Grütter and Colin D. Heyes. A Common
Mechanism Underlies the Dark Fraction Formation and Fluorescence Blinking of
Quantum Dots. (2009) ACS Nano, 3, 1167-1175
[17] Vladimir V Breus, Colin D.
Heyes, Kyrylo Tron and G. Ulrich Nienhaus.
Zwitterionic Biocompatible Quantum Dots for Wide pH Stability and Weak
Non-Specific Binding to Cells. (2009). ACS
Nano. 3, 2573-2580
[18] Rafael Khatchadourian, Alexia
Bachir, Samuel J. Clarke, Colin D. Heyes, Paul W.
Wiseman, and Jay L. Nadeau. Fluorescence intensity and intermittency as tools
for tracking bioconjugate processing in living cells. (2007). J. Biomed. Biotech. 40145
[19] Vladimir V. Breus, Colin D. Heyes and G. Ulrich Nienhaus.
Quenching of CdSe-ZnS Core-Shell Quantum Dot
Luminescence by Water-Soluble Thiolated Ligands.
(2007) J. Phys. Chem. C. 111, 18589-18594
[20] Paul De Koninck, Simon Labrecque, Colin
D. Heyes, and Paul W. Wiseman. Probing synaptic signaling with quantum dots.
(2007). HFSP Journal. 1,
[21] Colin D. Heyes, Andrei Yu. Kobitski, Vladimir V. Breus and G. Ulrich Nienhaus. Effect of the Shell on Blinking Statistics in Single
Core-Shell Quantum Dots. (2007). Phys.
Rev. B. 75, 125431
[22] Colin
D. Heyes, Jürgen Groll, Martin Moeller and G. Ulrich Nienhaus. Synthesis, Patterning
and Applications of Star-shaped Poly(ethylene
glycol) Biofunctionalized Surfaces. (2007). Mol. Biosystems. 3,
[23] Colin D. Heyes and G. Ulrich Nienhaus.
Ultrasensitive Fluorescence Microscopy Studies of Protein Interactions with
Functionalized Surfaces. (2007). Z. Phys. Chem. 221, 75-93.
[24] R. J. Owen, C. D. Heyes, D. Knebel, C. Röcker, G.U.
Nienhaus. An Integrated Instrumental Setup for the Combination of Atomic Force
Microscopy with Optical Spectroscopy. (2006). Biopolymers, 82,
[25] Elza
V. Kuzmenkina, Colin D. Heyes and G. Ulrich Nienhaus. Single Molecule FRET Study of
Denaturant Induced Unfolding of RNase H. (2006). J. Mol. Biol., 357,
[26] Elza V. Kuzmenkina, Colin D.
Heyes and G. Ulrich Nienhaus. Single Molecule FRET
study of Protein Dynamics under Denaturing Conditions. (2005). Proc. Natl.
Acad. Sci., 102, 15471-15476.
[27] Andrei Yu. Kobitski, Colin D. Heyes and G. Ulrich
Nienhaus. Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy - A Powerful Tool to
Study Single Quantum Dots. (2004) App.
Surf. Sci., 234, 86-92.
[28] Elza Amirgoulova,
Jürgen Groll, Colin D. Heyes, Thomas Ameringer, Carlheinz Röcker, Martin Möller and
G. Ulrich Nienhaus. Biofunctionalized Polymer
Surfaces Exhibiting Minimal Interaction Towards Immobilized Proteins. (2004).
ChemPhysChem., 5, 552-555.
[29] Jürgen Groll , Elza Amirgoulova, Thomas Ameringer, Colin D. Heyes, Carlheinz
Röcker, Martin Möller
and G. Ulrich Nienhaus. Biofunctionlaized
Ultrathin Coatings of Cross-linked Star-shaped Poly(ethylene
oxide) allow reversible folding of single immobilized RNase H molecules.
(2004). J. Am. Chem. Soc., 126,
[30] Colin D. Heyes, Andrei Yu. Kobitski,
Elza V. Amirogoulova and
G. Ulrich Nienhaus. Biocompatible Surfaces for
Specific Tethering of Single Protein Molecules. (2004). J. Phys. Chem. B.,
108, 13387-13394.
[31] R.M. Donlan, J.A. Piede, C.D. Heyes, L. Sanii, R.
Murga, P. Edmonds, I. El-Sayed and M.A. El-Sayed. A
Model System for Growing and Quantifying Streptococcus pneumoniae
Biofilms in Situ and in Real Time. (2004). App. Env. Microbiol., 70, 4980-4988.
[32] Colin D. Heyes, Keith B. Reynolds and Mostafa A.
El-Sayed. Eu3+ Binding to Europium-Regenerated Bacteriorhodopsin
upon Delipidation and Monomerization. (2004) FEBS Lett., 562, 207-210
[33] Colin D. Heyes and Mostafa A. El-Sayed. Proton Transfer
Reactions in Native and Deionized Bacteriorhodopsin upon Delipidation
and Monomerization. (2003) Biophys. J.,
85, 426-434.
[34] Colin D. Heyes and Mostafa A. El-Sayed. Thermal
Properties of Bacteriorhodopsin. (2003) J. Phys. Chem. B., Feature Article. 107, 12045-12053.
[35] Colin D. Heyes and Mostafa A. El-Sayed. The Role of the
Native Lipids and Lattice Structure in Bacteriorhodopsin Protein Conformation
and Stability as Studied by Temperature Dependent FT-IR. (2002) J. Biol.
Chem., 277, 29437-29443.
[36] Colin D. Heyes, Jianping
Wang, Laurie S. Sanii and Mostafa A. El-Sayed.
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Study of the Effect of Different
Cations on Bacteriorhodopsin Protein Thermal Stability. (2002) Biophys. J., 82, 1598-1606.
[37] Jianping Wang, Colin D. Heyes and Mostafa A. El-Sayed.
Refolding of Thermal Denatured Bacteriorhodopsin in Purple Membrane. (2002) J.
Phys. Chem. B, 106, 723-729.
[38] Jianping Wang, Stephan Link, Colin D. Heyes and Mostafa A.
El-Sayed. Comparison of the Dynamics of the Primary Events of
Bacteriorhodopsin in its Trimeric and Monomeric States. (2002) Biophys. J, 83, 1557-1566.
[39] Colin D. Heyes and Mostafa A. El-Sayed. Effect of Temperature,
pH, and Metal Ion Binding on the Secondary Structure of Bacteriorhodopsin:
FT-IR Study of the Melting and Premelting
Transition Temperatures. (2001) Biochemistry, 40, 11819-11827.