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Heyes Group Home

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Chemistry Homepage

Welcome to the research group of Dr. Colin Heyes. We are a spectroscopy group studying biomolecules and nanomaterials at the single molecule level.

In the Heyes group, we are interested in understanding the physical principles that underlie interactions between biomolecules and how they relate to function. We are particularly investigating biomolecules that are involved in diseases such as cancer, as drug targets and in solar energy conversion (photosynthesis).

We are also synthesizing and studying new nanomaterials. These nanomaterials are mainly used to help us with our biophysical studies, but they also have wide-ranging applications in energy conversion, miniaturized optoelectronics, sensors, and many other potential devices. For these materials to be useful in such applications, we need to understand their complex spectroscopic properties at the single particle level.

Please feel free to browse the site using the menu on the left to find more information about our research, see the group and the lab equipment or link to our publications.


Where are we?

Mailing Address:

School of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University Of Arkansas

345 N. Campus Drive

Arkansas 72701





Labs: CHEM 317, CHBC 119
Office: CHEM 218
Phone: (479) 575-5607

E-mail: cheyes ( - at - ) uark ( - dot - ) edu









Last Update: May 23rd 2018