University of Arkansas CHEM 3514        SPRING 2013

Physical Chemistry II


Objectives:       (1) To develop an understanding of the laws of thermodynamics, their application and the molecular basis governing the energetic and kinetic behavior of chemical systems and the experimental methods used to measure them.

                          (2) To qualitatively and quantitatively apply such an understanding to solve problems relating to real world scientific observations


Instructor:  Professor Colin Heyes, office CHEM 219, phone 575-5607; e-mail:

                        Office hours:  Mon. 10:30-11:30; Wed. 2:00-3:00; Thur. 10:30-11:30. Other times by appointment

                        Lectures:         MoWeThFr at 9:30 in CHEM 147.

Prerequisites:  CHEM 3504.

Text:  PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY, by Thomas Engel and Philip Reid, 3rd Edition.

Supporting/Alternative Text:  Physical Chemistry, by Peter Atkins and Julio De Paula, 8th or 9th Edition, on reserve at the chemistry library.

Homework: Homework sets will be posted on The guidelines for required homework sets are that students are permitted and even encouraged to work together, for the purpose of enhancing learning and understanding; so long as each person writes, understands and is able to explain her/his own answers, when asked (whether in class, lab, or another setting). There will be between 5 and 10 homework sets during the semester. Final homework grade will be scaled to be out of 200 points (20% of the final grade, see below).

PLEASE NOTE: Getting high points on the homework sets will not help your final grade much if you do not use them for their intended purpose of enhancing your learning and understanding of the material enough to obtain high points on the exams. In other words: Don’t just copy someone else’s homework.

Late Homework: Homework is to be turned in during class on the due date. Students with a valid excuse will be allowed to turn in ONE AND ONLY ONE homework problem set in the following class period. A late certificate is needed to be signed by me before or during class on the original due date. ONLY ONE LATE CERTIFICATE WILL BE ALLOWED PER SEMESTER. Any subsequent late homework set will be given zero points. Depending on the date of the homework, the graded late homework may not be available before the exam, therefore it is in your best interests to hand in the homework sets on time.


Exams:  You should bring a calculator for each exam. The calculator cannot be a smartphone. The use of smartphones or any other device connected to the internet is STRICTLY forbidden, and such use will constitute academic dishonesty. Academic honesty is expected; cheating will result in a grade of zero. Actual Exam dates will be scheduled as we finish sections. The exams will be held from 6-8 pm in CHEM 144 on the date to be arranged in class at least 1 week ahead of time. There will be 3 evening midterms and 1 final.  Each evening midterm exam is worth 150 points. Your 2 highest grades will count for 200 points each, and the lowest grade will count for 50 points, and will be rescaled accordingly at the end of the semester. The reasoning behind this is that if you don’t manage to learn a particular concept well enough for the midterm, but do learn it well enough for the final exam, you will be penalized less.

A single 8 ½ x 11 sheet, written on one side with formulae only and with your name on it, can be used during tests and the final. These Formulae sheets must be turned in with your exam, and will be returned with the graded exam. Exams may include bonus questions, so it may be possible to get over 100% on a given exam.

               The final exam will be comprehensive and will cover all course material. It is worth 200 points. The 3 formulae sheets that were used in the midterms can be used in the final exam (or you can make 3 new ones, but they must still only be 1 sheet each for a total of 3 sheets).


Missed exams: A single exam missed for documented health reasons or an official university function (official documentation is required) will be either made up or replaced with the average of the other tests, at the instructor’s discretion. Otherwise, they count as zero.


In-Class Pop Quizzes: There will be random pop quizzes in class. The sum of all these pop quizzes will be scaled to be worth 100 points of the final grade (10%, see below). They will usually be short (15-20 mins) and consulting notes, the textbook and discussing with your class mates is allowed. Attendance is required in class for pop quizzes and make ups will not be allowed (except for documented health reasons or an official university function).


Grading Information:

Evening midterm exams: 450 pts total: your 2 highest grades will count for 200 points each, and the lowest grade will count for 50 points.

Homework sets: scaled to 200 pts total

In Class Pop Quizzes: scaled to 100 pts total

Final Exam: 250 pts


Total points = 1000 pts


Preliminary grading scale:

>82 % = A

81-69 % = B

68-57 % = C

56-45 % = D

 < 45 %  = F


Academic Honesty is expected on all exams.  Deviations will be dealt with harshly and addressed according to established university policy. 

Inclement weather policy: General UofA policy will be followed. Generally, unless the university officially closes, classes will take place as scheduled.


Many types of emergencies can occur on campus; instructions for specific emergencies such as severe weather, active shooter, or fire can be found at  


Severe Weather (Tornado Warning):

           Follow the directions of the instructor or emergency personnel

           Seek shelter in the basement or interior room or hallway on the lowest floor, putting as many walls as possible between you and the outside

           If you are in a multi-story building, and you cannot get to the lowest floor, pick a hallway in the center of the building

           Stay in the center of the room, away from exterior walls, windows, and doors


Violence / Active Shooter (CADD):

Study Advice:


1)      Physical Chemistry is not easy, but it’s not impossibly hard either, if correct study habits are used. One misunderstanding is that the student thinks “Wow, that’s a lot of equations, I’d better memorize them”. Actually, there are not that many independent equations. Lots of the equations are made by combining two or more simpler concepts. Therefore, if you learn the concepts that an equation relates to, the equations come naturally. You need to understand the concepts in order to understand how and when you can apply the equations.

2)      When you come to class, make sure you have read ahead in the book (and notes), so that the material that I present is not coming at you for the first time. Make notes during class. Write down questions that you want to look up later, or ask during office hours. Learn to differentiate between what is a basic concept, what is an approximation and what is an illustrative detail.

3)      Make your own summaries at the end of each section of the important points. I will provide some summary information, but if you do your own as well, it will make it more meaningful to YOU.

4)      Since physical chemistry is a subject that allows you to solve problems, it is essential that you practice applying the concepts to solving as many problems as possible. First, work through worked examples in the textbook, then test yourself with relevant problems that you have the answer to. Finally, work through assigned problems from the class and homework.

5)      Don’t leave homeworks to the last minute, work through them steadily. Cramming doesn’t work, since concepts need to be understood, not rote memorized, to be applied.

6)      You will probably need to devote more time to studying Physical Chemistry that you have to many other classes due to the fact that it is not possible to memorize the material. Understanding takes more time than memorization. You don’t need to be a born genius to learn this material. As Einstein said himself “Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration” (99% is enough to get an A in this class)


Other advice:

Prepare for the exam. Don’t be misled to think that you can get all the info from the formula sheet during the exam. People have tried this in the past and IT DOESN’T WORK. Trust me!

Do not drop an exam unless you have an emergency.

Review your result in the light of common sense. Can it really be 1082 m/s or
-100 K (degrees Kelvin)? Minor computational errors (e.g. typing in 23.2 instead of 32.3) will be treated leniently but results which are orders of magnitude off and are obviously nonsensical will be not. Try to find your error, or at least include a comment that the results are obviously too big or too small.

KEEP THE UNITS THROUGHOUT in intermediate calculations. Compare the units of your results with the units you should get. This is the most efficient way of checking your calculations. Always include the unit when giving a result. Results stated without a unit (unless the result is a pure number) are meaningless and, in general, will not count.





Thermodynamic definitions, gas laws, kinetic theory of gases

Chapter 1

First law of Thermodynamics, path functions and state functions, internal energy, heat capacity, enthalpy, Thermochemistry

Chapters 2, 3 & 4

Second and Third laws of Thermodynamics, heat engines, entropy

Chapter 5

Probability, Boltzmann distribution and statistical thermodynamics; kinetic theory of gases, molecular basis of Thermodynamics.

Parts of chapters 29, 30, 32 & 33. See class notes for specific sections



Gibbs energy and chemical equilibrium

Chapter 6 and sections 32.6.3 and 32.7 of chapter 32

Real Gases, compression factor, fugacity and fugacity coefficient

Chapter 7

Phase equilibria and phase diagrams of 1-component systems (pure solids, liquids and gasses)

Chapter 8

Phase equilibria and phase diagrams of 2-component systems (solutions), ideal and real solutions, chemical potential, activity and activity coefficient

Chapter 9

electrolyte solutions, Debye Hückel limiting law

Chapter 10



Rate laws, molecular basis of chemical kinetics (collision theory), elementary reaction steps (reaction mechanisms)


Complex reaction mechanisms and photochemistry

Parts of Chapter 36